Important: The band plan recalculation feature introduced in v2.0.5 has been temporarily disabled due to bugs. Please upgrade to this version of Pro to avoid potential recalculation errors. Cloud-based users require no action.
New Features:
Global: The frequency plot and live scan data now open in a dedicated window within Pro
Global: Monitoring Sennheiser, Shure, and Wisycom equipment can now be done in a dedicated window within Pro
Monitoring: Added support for Wisycom MCR54 receivers with frequency control, name management, and monitoring features
Live Scan Data: Added support for tinySA+ ZS406 and tinySA+ ZS407 devices
Equipment Profiles: Added Sennheiser EM 9000 profiles to the default equipment list
Equipment Profiles: Added Sennheiser EM 6000 LD profile variants to the default equipment list
Fixes and Improvements:
Nexus: Comprehensive UI improvements across the entire application
Monitoring: Enhanced Sennheiser device discovery on macOS and Windows systems
Monitoring: Improved stability and reliability of Shure device connections (Axient Digital and PSM1000)
Sites: Create custom broadcast standards by defining start points, stop points, TV channel numbering systems, and channel widths. These settings are available in the Site Settings popup window
Global: UI refresh featuring enhanced app navigation, improved light mode, and a new color scheme
Global: New SoundBase Pro Enterprise license management system featuring a custom dashboard for streamlined administration, device-based licensing that eliminates individual accounts, automated management scripts, and inventory integration through asset and license ID linking
Global: New SoundBase Pro pricing tier available for small businesses (see Account Settings β Licenses tab for details)
Global: Added weather conditions widget for selected project sites
Global: Launch of SoundBase tools website featuring a Spectera Mode Planning calculator to help design your system with optimal RF channel utilization. No account is required to access these resources, and we'll be adding more information in the future. Visit the site here:
Coordination List: Band plans now display in the coordination list during both initial calculation and recalculation. Equipment profile details show an underline matching the current band plan's color in the frequency row. A tooltip displays the band plan name when hovering over the underlined equipment profile text.
Coordination List: The window is now resizable. Users can click and drag to adjust its dimensions to their preferred size
Frequency Plot: Added DECT 1.9 GHz, 2.4 GHz, and 5 GHz as default options in the plot bandwidth menu
Tools: Added Sennheiser Spectera (WMAS) RF Mode Planner for optimizing audio links and RF channel allocation
Spectrum: Added cellular uplink and downlink frequency bands for Canada
Scan Data: Support for CSV files with Comma decimal separators
Fixes and Improvements:
Frequency Calculation: Band plans are now respected in Zone, Group, and selected frequency recalculation
Live Scan Data: Significant connection and device discovery improvements for tinySA devices
SoundSync: Wisycom MTK982 now maintains its frequency settings in the WDF table after power cycling
Frequency Plot: Resolved an issue where plot view settings failed to save properly
Frequency Plot: Fixed an issue where minimum and maximum plot ranges weren't saving properly
Global: Improved performance for project import and export operations
Global: Comprehensive backend enhancements for improved system performance and stability
Project Page: Enhanced UI for improved project opening on wide-screen displays
Scan Recon: Distance from site added to the search details
Scan Recon: Added antenna type option βDistributed Antenna System (DAS)β
Scan Recon: All user-uploaded scan files now appear on the map within the Search tab. Files rejected by the scoring system or those who opt out of sharing will remain hidden from other users.
Coordination List: Coord now automatically analyzes frequencies when inclusions, exclusions, or calculation settings change across frequencies, groups, zones, and sites. Manual options for single frequency and global analysis have also been added
Coordination List: Mark zones, groups, selected frequencies, and individual frequencies as "Incompatible"
Fixes and Improvements:
Global: Improved detection of valid internet connections when multiple interfaces are connected
Global: Enhanced reliability of sync between Pro and Cloud
Scan Recon: Search is fixed for SoundBase Pro users